Barbershop - places where you can not only shave and a haircut, but also to find like-minded people and mingle in exclusively male company. In our selection - Barbershop, you can visit right now.
The largest network in the world. Your choice is always the most current hairstyles. Barbera salon take into account all the nuances of when choosing hairstyles - especially hair growth, texture and shape of the head. Besides Astana, such salons can be found in Almaty, Aktobe and Atyrau.
The Loft
One of the few Barbershop in Astana, opened independently, without the franchise. Only in this salon you can purchase a full range of goods for a by Truefitt & Hill Care.
Like Barbershop
This Barbershop except that you will make a stylish haircut, well cooked fresh coffee alternative method in Viennese siphon machine or optional poured tea, cocktails and other beverages.