It was declared at the press conference by Astana EXPO-2017 National Company Managing Director Mr. Beybit Karymsakov. In his speech, he marked that the National Pavilion of Kazakhstan ‘Nur Alem’ had become the most popular with the visitors.
“The main facility of EXPO-2017 is the National Pavilion of Kazakhstan ‘Nur Alem’. From the moment of the Exhibition Opening Ceremony, it has been visited by 86,500 guests. I also want to notice that the number of EXPO-2017 visitors grows daily. On the first day of operation of the Exhibition, the number of visitors amounted to 17,000; in the last weekend the number of visitors grew to 34,000. The Exhibition functions in the normal operational mode. All the irregularities are solved in a timely manner”, said Mr. Beybit Karymsakov. In his speech, Astana EXPO-2017 National Company Managing Director also relayed that from the moment of the Exhibition opening, 281 cultural, entertainment and business events had been held, over 50 protocol events had taken place with participation of Heads of States, ministers and Commissioners of the international pavilions.In his turn, Commercialization Department Director Mr. Daulet Erkimbaev said that at that moment 1,500,000 tickets to the EXPO-2017 International Thematic Exhibition had been sold. According to him, the ticketing system functions in full measure and there are no failures or problems. All visitors pass the control quickly and smoothly.
(official web site EXPO 2017 https://expo2017astana.com )