Today 7462 apartments for clients of HCSBK are leased and ready to implementation, the kn.kz with reference to the press service of bank reports. In 2018 construction of 16 938 more apartments is planned. Housing according to the state program of "Nurly zher" for clients of is realized in all regions of the country.
Under the terms of the program of "Nurly zher" Kazakhstan bank depositors can receive these square meters at the affordable price who have on the score the minimum original contribution in the amount of 30%.
At the same time the participant of the state program can expect under 5% per annum a privileged loan. Especially for these purposes to bank in 2016-2017 30 billion tenges were selected. From them HCSBK received 22 billion tenges from National fund for an order of the Head of state. In addition to it the Ministry of Finance for implementation of the program of "Nurla zher" selected 8 billion more. The bank for 100% mastered these means during 2017.
— On this money 3 488 loans were issued and our bank depositors could acquire own inexpensive housing. This year, according to our forecasts, within the program of "Nurly zher" we will be able to lend our about 8 500 citizens on the amount of 50 billion tenges. Now in a briefcase of bank there are 33 000 deposits having an original contribution in the amount of 30%. Owners of these scores can participate in the state program and acquire credit housing. Most of all such bank depositors in the cities of Astana and Almaty, — Lyazzat Ibragimov told.
She noted that within the program of "Nurly zher" Kazakhstan citizens will be able to learn about all objects under construction, having passed on the website baspana.kz. There the applicant for available square meters can select the city in which he wants to acquire the apartment and to look what objects are built whether reception of applications is carried, to select the pleasant apartment, to submit the application for participation in a bullet of buyers of housing. Now 159 objects on 24 300 apartments are provided on the portal.
News service kn.kz